Community Campfires - 1st Friday of Every Month
Football Sunday Viewings at the Pavilion - Bring your Drinks and Snacks!
The Pavilion is available for use if you would like to watch a movie, play games or any other activities.
Please contact us for use outside regular hours to avoid conflicts.
11:00AM Campground Opens for the Season. Welcome Back!
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
7:00 PM Paint & Sip – BYOB
8:30 - 10:00AM Pancake Breakfast ($) Moms eat FREE
1:00PM Cornhole Tournament - Win a Gift Certificate
7:00 - 10:00PM Country Party at the Pavilion
Come learn to line dance and wear your country attire.
10:00AM Ceramics at the Pavilion ($)
1:00PM Lawn Bowling – Win a Hide-A-Way Cup
7:00PM Appetizer Potluck* – Bring your favorite appetizer!
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
1:00PM Horseshoe Tourney – Win a Hide-A-Way Mug
7:00PM Movie Night at the Pavilion - ONWARD
8:30 - 10:00AM Pancake Breakfast ($) Dads eat FREE
7:00AM Campfire & Coffee – Bring a pastry to share
4:00PM Horseshoe Tourney – Win a Hide-A-Way Cup
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
12:00PM Cornhole Tournament - Win a Gift Certificate
3:00PM Wine Tasting with
Hummingbird Hills Winery
7:00 - 10:00PM 4th of July Party at the Pavilion
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
11:00AM Bring a shirt, socks, bags anything you want to tie-dye (cotton only).
7:00PM Potluck dinner*. BYOB and dessert.
1:00PM Horseshoe Tourney – Win a Hide-A-Way Tumbler
3:00PM Ice Cream Social ($)
7:00 - 10:00PM Halloween Party at the Pavilion – Prizes for top 3 Costumes!
10:00AM Ceramics ($)
1:00PM Cornhole Tourney – Win a Gift Certificate
4:00PM Candy Bar Bingo – Bring a full-size candy bar.
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
7:00PM Seasonal Appreciation Potluck* (Seasonal Residents Only). Please Sign-up.
1:00PM Horseshoe Tourney – Win a Hide-A-Way Cup
7:00PM Game Night at the Pavilion - BYOB
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
1:00PM Cornhole Tourney – Win a Gift Certificate
7:00PM Movie Night at the Pavilion - Hocus Pocus
Dusk Community Fire – Bring your chairs and your favorite drinks!
4:00PM Campground closes for the season. See you all next year!